Method Call

If a table's entry or its meta table's entry is a closure, it is possible to call this closure as a method or member function.

A method will implicitly pass the caller itself as the first parameter.

def my_add self x =
    self.value + x

MyInt = { 
    my_add = my_add

my_int = { value = 1, my_add2 = my_add } <- MyInt
println$( my_int.my_add$(10) )
println$( my_int.my_add2$(10) )

Sometimes you may want to call a static method by not passing the caller, in which case you can use :: operator instead of .. It is also recommended to use static value such as Int::MAX with :: instead of Int.MAX.

def my_add self x =
    self.value + x

MyInt = { 
    my_add = my_add

my_int = { value = 1, my_add2 = my_add } <- MyInt
println$( MyInt::my_add$( my_int, 10 ) )